Almost bluebell time

It was a beautiful morning. So lovely to have the little herd off the sand arena and back on the newly extended track. They were so relaxed and full of grass when I arrived to bring them off the paddock. Bud came with me without hesitation and needed no encouragement to enter the sand arena…

A Morning Meeting

She was there waiting this morning, in the scant paddock, ears forward, questioning. Poo picking, any excuse to be among them feeling the new day. She has taken to following me, as I wander. And when I stop to watch the pied wagtail or the newly sprung violets, she stops with me, close and smelling…

A promise!

Yes, I did promise to blog every day. Jeez, it was some day!! Builders ranting, went for my DXA scan. Great news on that front!! Seeing as how Bud has biffed and knocked me so much in the past 6 years it seems my bones are made of steel!!! Yea!!! Bailey continues to be a…

‘The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men gang aft agley’

Wee, sleekit, cow’rin tim’rous beastie, O, what a panic’s in thy breastie!’ A beautiful little poem written by Robert Burns upon finding he had destroyed a mouse nest whilst ploughing. And as I stressed over not managing to get to my blog this week it came to mind. So many lessons in it. But for…


My name is Noreen Edmonds and I live in the foothills of the Blackstairs Mountains in Ireland. Some of you may know me, some may know of me but for the sake of beginnings I’ll fill in for those who don’t. I live with my extended animal family who mean so much to me. Not…


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